We will meet throughout the semester to discuss both essential readings and emerging scholarship related to the seminar’s themes.
Sign up here to learn more, or check out our regularly-updated reading list below to follow along.
For questions about the reading group or seminar, reach out to us sawyerseminar@georgetown.edu.
Black Aliveness, Or A Poetics of Being by Kevin Quashie
“Black Ecologies: An Opening, An Offering” by Imani Jacqueline Brown
“Black Ecology” by Nathan Hare
Blackecologies zine edited by Justin Hosbey, J.T. Roane, Emerald Rutledge, and Teona Williams
Black Food Geographies: Race, Self-Reliance, and Food Access in Washington, D.C. by Ashanté M. Reese
Black Gathering: Art, Ecology, Ungiven Life by Sarah Jane Cervenak
Black Geographies and the Politics of Place edited by Katherine McKittrick and Clyde Woods
The Black Geographic: Praxis, Resistance, Futurity edited by Camilla Hawthorne and Jovan Scott Lewis
How Racism Takes Place by George Lipsitz
“Novel and History, Plot and Plantation” by Sylvia Wynter
Queer Times, Black Futures by Kara Keeling
“The Black Outside” by Joy Priest
Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals by Alexis Pauline Gumbs
Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women who Challenged a Nation by Tiya Miles
2023-2025 Mellon Sawyer Seminar at Georgetown University